Fellows teach MA students how to build and test windmills at Science Quest

Date Posted: 
Friday, October 30, 2015

On October 24th IGERT Fellows Destenie Nock, Blake Massey, and Rodrigo Mercado met with high school students at Science Quest to teach them about Wind Energy. In the mini-course the students were creating a model wind turbine using construction paper, a pencil, a bottle, and a push pin. From there the students attached a string with a weight at the bottom, which represented a load. The students then had to use the equations taught in the mini wind course to calculate how much power the wind turbine could generate. Once the students completed the first task they had to design and test ways to make the turbine produce more power. The designs ranged from a rose shaped blade assembly, to lighter blades. At the end of the mini-course Destenie, Blake, and Rodrigo discussed their different paths in engineering and science, and how their different backgrounds led them to want to work in the wind industry.