Wind Power Generation Electrical Systems: Technologies, Challenges, and Grid Integration.


Distributed energy resource systems (DERS) based on renewables such as wind turbines and photovoltaics have experienced rapid growth over the past decade. The DERS offer clean technologies that can reduce the major environmental impact of present electricity sources. Integrating those on-site generating sources into the larger grid system can provide a more reliable and better quality power to the consumers, increase the overall efficiency of the distribution system, and reduce the need for infrastructure associated with new or aging central generation power systems.  The increased penetration of the DER systems on the electrical distribution network adds significant value to the power system especially when the evolving concept of smart grid control and communications are incorporated in these systems. Nevertheless, renewables present their own challenges due to their variability and grid interconnection control requirements.  Since most renewables are weather dependent, they can fail to provide energy with only a little warning (or forecast time).  High penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) jeopardizes the grid stability and reliability. The DERS along with smart grid controls allow them to be integrated into the grid without affecting its stability.

 The seminar will focus on wind generation systems and offer a comprehensive review of wind power system components, wind turbine controls, wind electric generators, and wind power converters. The type of electric generators for wind turbines and their control, and grid power converters and their synchronization with the grid will be presented. Special grid-friendly features of DERS such as voltage ride-through and reactive power compensation will be presented. The seminar is intended for electrical as well as non-electrical engineers and researchers interested in wind energy resources and their integration into the electric grid.

Presenter Biography

Dr. Iqbal Husain joined the ECE department at North Carolina State University as the ABB Distinguished Professor in Fall 2011 after serving as a faculty member at the University of Akron, Ohio for many years. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. 

Prof. Husain’s research interests are in the areas of control and modeling of electrical drives, design of electric machines, development of power conditioning circuits, microinverters for distributed power generation, inverter controls for grid synchronization, and modeling of electric and hybrid vehicle systems. The pioneering research on modeling and analysis of electric machines allowed Prof. Husain to make unique contributions in their design, control, acoustic noise prediction, and parameter identification methods. He is dedicated towards research on alternative transportation and renewables, and developing education programs at both graduate and undergraduate levels. The primary application of Prof. Husain’s work is in the transportation, automotive, aerospace, and renewable industries.

Prof. Husain is currently the Co-Director of the Advanced Transportation Energy Center (ATEC) and a faculty member of the NSF Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) systems center at NC State. Prof. Husain was the General Co-Chair for Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) 2012 in Raleigh, NC, is currently the chairman of the IEEE-IAS Transportation Systems Committee, and is also an IEEE-IAS Distinguished Lecturer. Prof. Husain received the 2006 SAE Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award, the 2004 College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher Award, the 2000 IEEE Third Millennium Medal, the 1998 IEEE-IAS Outstanding Young Member award, and several IEEE-IAS prize paper awards. He was elected to be an IEEE Fellow in 2009.

IGERT Seminar 10 Oct 2013 - Iqbal Husain from UMass Offshore Wind IGERT on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 2:30pm
Gunness Engineering Student Center conference room in Marcus Hall