
Journal Articles


Ryan Wiser, Karen Jenni, Joachim Seel, Erin Baker, Maureen Hand, Eric Lantz, Aaron Smith, Expert elicitation survey on future wind energy costs, Nature Energy, (Forthcoming)

Myers AT, Arwade SR, Valamanesh V, Hallowell S, Carswell W. Strength, Stiffness, Resonance and the Design of Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles. Engineering Structures. Vol. 100, p 332-341. (forthcoming)

Kaikai, Moijue, Erin Baker, Engineering for Sustainable Energy Education within Suburban, Urban, and Developing Secondary Schools, Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 10.1 (2016): 88-100.


Allyn, A. J.*, McKnight, A. E., McGarigal, K., Griffin, C. R., Kuletz, K. J., Cushing, D., & Irons, D. B. (2015). Evaluating a paired logistic regression model of presence-only data to map important habitat areas of the rare Kittlitzs Murrelet Brachyramphus brevirostris. Marine Ornithology 43: 65-76.

Pete, C.*, McGowan, J.G. & Jaslanek, W*. (2015) Evaluating the Underwater Energy Storage Potential in the Gulf of Maine. Wind Engineering: Vol. 39, No. 2, 141-148.

Carswell W, Johansson J, Løvholt F, Arwade SR, Madshus C, DeGroot DJ, Myers AT (2015). Foundation Damping and the Dynamics of Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles. Renewable Energy. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2015.02.058

Carswell W., Arwade S.R., DeGroot D.J., & Lackner M.A. (2015). Soil-Structure Reliability of Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile Foundations. Wind Energy, Vol. 18, No. 3: 483-498.

La Cava, William, Kourosh Danai, Lee Spector, Paul Fleming, Alan D. Wright, and Matthew Lackner (2015). “Automatic identification of wind turbine models using evolutionary multi-objective optimization". In: Renewable Energy. Accepted.

La Cava, William G. and Kourosh Danai (2015). “Gradient-based adaptation of continuous dynamic model structures". In: International Journal of Systems Science 47 (1), pp. 249-263. doi: 10.1080/00207721.2015.1069905.

Pourazarm P., Caracoglia L., Lackner M.A., & Modarres-Sadeghi Y. (2015). Stochastic Analysis of Flow-Induced Dynamic Instabilities of Wind Turbine Blades. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 137: 3745.

Benitz M.A., Lackner M.A., Schmidt D.P.(2015). Hydrodynamics of offshore structures with specific focus on wind energy applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 44: 692-716.

Singh K., Baker E., Lackner M.A. (2015). Curtailing Wind Turbine Operations to Reduce Avian Mortality. Renewable Energy, Vol. 78: 351356.

Seyed-Aghazadeh, B., Carlson, D. & Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. (2015). The Influence of Taper Ratio on Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Tapered Cylinders in the Crossflow Direction. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 53, 84-95.

Pourazarm, P., Caracoglia, L., Lackner, M. & Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. (2015). Stochastic Analysis of Flow-Induced Dynamic Instabilities of Wind Turbine Blades. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 137, 37-45.

Ladge, S. & Modarres-Sadeghi, Y.(2015). Supercritical and Subcritical Dynamic Flow-Induced Instabilities of a Small-Scale Wind Turbine Blade Placed in Uniform Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 54, 936-946.


Carswell W, Arwade SR, DeGroot DJ, Lackner MA (2014). Soil-Structure Reliability of Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile Foundations. Wind Energy. DOI: 10.1002/we.1710

Goodale, M. & Milman, A. (2014). Cumulative adverse effects of offshore wind energy development on wildlife. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI 10.1080/09640568.2014.973483.

Stewart G. & Lackner M.A. (2014). The impact of passive tuned mass dampers and wind-wave misalignment on offshore wind turbine loads. Engineering Structures, Vol. 73, No. 15: 54-61.

Wei, K, Arwade, S.R. & Myers, A.T. (2014). Incremental wind-wave analysis of the structural capacity of offshore wind turbine support structures under extreme loading, Engineering Structures 79:58-69.

Arwade, S.R. & Gioffre, M. (2014).Validity of stationary probabilistic models for wind speed records of varying duration. Renewable Energy 69:74-81.

Zheng, H., Price, R.E., Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. & Triantafyllou, M.S. (2014). On Fatigue Damage of Long Flexible Cylinders due to the Higher Harmonic Force Components and Chaotic Vortex-Induced Vibrations. Ocean Engineering, 88, 318329.

Grouthier, C., Michelin, S. ,Bourguet, R., Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. & de Langre, E. (2014). On the Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Using Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Cables. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 49, 427440.

Chang, G.H. & Modarres-Sadeghi, Y. (2014). Flow-Induced Oscillations of a Cantilevered Pipe Conveying Fluid with Base Excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 42654280.

Morgan, E.R, Manwell, J.F. & McGowan, J.G. (2014). Wind-Powered Ammonia Fuel Production for Remote Islands: A case study, Renewable Energy, Vol. 72: 51-61.

Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Brena, S. & Verma, P. (2014) A Comparative Study of a Three Rotor and a Single Rotor 5 MW Wind Turbine Based on Economic and Structural Considerations. Wind Engineering, Volume 38, Number 6: 1-10.

Hamin, E.M., Gurran, N. & Emlinger, A.M. (2014). Planning Approaches for Addressing Barriers to Municipal Climate Adaptation: Examples from Coastal Massachusetts Smaller Cities and Towns. Journal of American Planning Association 80:2, 110-122. DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2014.949590.


Abunnasr, Y., Hamin, E. M., & Brabec, E. (2013). Windows of opportunity: addressing climate uncertainty through adaptation plan implementation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-21. doi:10.1080/09640568.2013.849233.


Stewart G., Lackner M.A., “Optimization of a Passive Tuned Mass Damper for Reducing Loads in Offshore Wind Turbines.” Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology: Special Issue on Wind Energy, 2012.

Book Chapters

Post, J.T.* (2015). Siting a Wind Farm in Newton, D. E., Ed., Wind Energy: A Reference Handbook, (pp. 154-55). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

La Cava, W.*, Spector, L. (2015). Epigenetic Inheritance in Riolo, R., Worzel, B. & Kotanchek, M. Eds., Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XII. New York, NY., Springer.

Fountain, J. (2015) Connecting Technologies to Citizenship. in M. Pagano, ed., Technology and the Resilience of Metropolitan Regions, Champaign, IL, University of Illinois Press.

Conference Papers and Presentations


La Cava, William and Kourosh Danai (2015). “Model Structure Adaptation: A Gradient-based Approach". In: ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Columbus, Ohio: ASME.

La Cava, William, Kourosh Danai, Lee Spector, Paul Fleming, Alan D. Wright, and Matthew Lackner (2015). “Automated Identification of Closed-Loop Wind Turbine Dynamics via Genetic Programming". In: ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Columbus, Ohio: ASME.

La Cava, William, Thomas Helmuth, Lee Spector, and Kourosh Danai (2015). “Genetic Programming with Epigenetic Local Search". In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO 2015. Madrid, Spain: ACM Press, pp. 1055-1062. doi: 10.1145/2739480.2754763.

Carswell W, Fontana C, Arwade SR, DeGroot DJ. Comparison of Cyclic P-Y Methods for Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles Subjected to Extreme Storm Loading. Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2015). 31 May-05 June 2015. St. Johns, Newfoundland.

Welch, L., Williams, S. & Smetzer, J. (2015, March) Resource Partitioning and Dispersal Patterns of Common and Arctic Terms: Preliminary Findings from 2014 Automated Telemetry Studies. Paper presented at Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GOMSWIG) Annual Meeting, Rockland, ME.

Wallace, R. (2015, April). Investigating the evolution of spatial and knowledge networks of a global industry. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL.

Post, J. & Wallace, R. (2015, April). Does solar energy promote rural economic development? Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL.

Koh, R.(2015, March). Bio-based Composites for Large Wind Turbine Blades. Paper presented at ASM International conference, Boston, MA.

Smetzer, J., King, D. & Griffin C. (2015, April) Songbird Fall Migration in the Gulf of Maine: Lessons from Automated Telemetry. Paper presented at the New England Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA.

Smetzer, J., Welch, L., Williams, L., King, D. & Griffin C. (2015, April). Breeding Season and Dispersal Movements of Common and Arctic Terns in the Gulf of Maine: An Application of Automated Telemetry. Paper presented at the New England Natural History Conference, Springfield MA.

Smetzer, J. (2015, April). Geographically Structured Timing of Fall Migration in the Red-Eyed Vireo:Consequences for Population Regulation. Oral presentation at Northeast Regional Migration Monitoring Network Annual Meeting, Winter Harbor, ME.

Pau, N., Dowling, Z., Hojnacki K., & Yates, D. (2015, January). A Pilot Study on the Use of Nano-Tags and Automated Telemetry to Track At-Risk Bat Species. Paper presented at Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting, South Portland, ME.

Pete, C., McGowan, J.G. & Jaslanek, W. (2015) Evaluating the Underwater Compressed Air Energy Storage Potential in the Gulf of Maine, in Wind Engineering, Volume 39, No. 2, (pp 141148), Amherst, MA, University of Massachusetts.



Koh, R, Clouston, P.L., Heyers, R., & Lackner, M. (2014). Wood Composites for Utility Scale Wind Turbine Blades: a Rationalization for Wood Based on Weight, in conference proceedings: World Conference of Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, (pp. 1?8).

Carswell, W., Johansson, J., Lohvolt, F., Arwade, S.R., & DeGroot, D.J. (2014). Dynamic mudline damping for offshore wind turbine monopoles. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2014 San Francisco, CA. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4538-7

La Cava, W., Spector, L., Danai, K., Lackner, M. (2014). Evolving differential equations with developmental linear genetic programming with epigenetic hill climbing. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). Vancouver, BC, Canada. ACM, 2.

Carswell W, Johansson J, Løvholt F, Arwade SR, DeGroot DJ (2014). Dynamic Mudline Damping for Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014). 08-13 June 2014. San Francisco, CA.

Pete, C., McGowan, J.G. & Jaslanek, W. (2014, July). Evaluating the Underwater Compressed Air Energy Storage Potential in the Gulf of Maine. Paper presented at: OSES 2014. Offshore Energy & Storage Symposium and Industry Connector Event, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Loring, P.L., Sievert, P.R., Griffin, C.R., Spiegel, C.S., & Johnston, S.M. (2014, October).Tracking Offshore Movements of Common Terns and American Oystercatchers Across the Southern New England Shelf Using Nanotags and Automated Radio Telemetry Stations. Paper presented at Northeast-Southeast Partners in Flight Meeting. Virginia Beach, VA.

Loring, P.L., Sievert, P.R., Griffin, C.R., Spiegel, C.S., & Johnston, S.M.. (2014, November).Tracking Offshore Movements of Common Terns and American Oystercatchers Across the Southern New England Shelf Using Nanotags and Automated Radio Telemetry Stations. Oral Presentation at the Roseate Tern Working Group Annual Meeting, Hadley, MA.

Cranmer, A., Baker, E., Lieso, J., & Salo, A. (2014, November). Portfolio Model for Siting Offshore Wind Farms. Oral presentation at International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) conference, San Francisco, CA..

Cranmer, A., Baker, E., Lieso, J., & Salo, A. (2014, July). Offshore Wind Farm Siting as a Robust Portfolio Problem. Oral presentation at International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) conference , Barcelona, Spain.

Ryan, K., Jordaan A., Hartmann, J. (2014, August) Hydropower and Fish Passage: Results from a New Assessment Tool. Oral Presentation at the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Ryan, K. (2014, November) Long term, big picture: Does scale matter? Poster presented at the International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:

Smetzer, J. (2014, June). Songbird Migration Movements in the Gulf of Maine: Implications for Offshore Wind Energy Development. Oral presentation at the Northeast Regional Migration Monitoring Network Annual Meeting, Winter Harbor, ME.

King, D., Smetzer, J. & Griffin, C. (2014, October). Tracking Migratory Movements of Songbirds in the Gulf of Maine using Nano Tag Transmitters. Paper presented at the Northeast and Southeast Partners in Flight Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.

Welch, L., Williams, S. & Smetzer, J. (2014, July). Tracking Arctic and Common Terns with Automated Telemetry: Preliminary Results from 2013, and a Flight Plan for the Future. Paper presented at the US Fish & Wildlife Service Annual Inventory and Monitoring Meeting, Rockland, ME.

Koh, R. (2014, August). Wood Laminates for Utility Scale Wind Turbine Blades: Evaluation of the Shear Strength of an Angle-Ply Wood Laminate. Paper presented at the World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Koh, R. (2014, June). Wood Laminates for Megawatt-Scale Wind Turbine Blades. Oral presentation at 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY.

Carswell, W., Fontana, C. M., Arwade, S., & DeGroot, D. (2015, May). Comparison Of Cyclic P-y Methods For Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles Subjected To Extreme Storm Loading. Oral presentation at the American Society For Mechanical Engineers 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2015), St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

Boyce, J., (2014, June). Economic Policies for CO2 Reduction through Increased Use of Renewable Energy, oral presentation at the Wind Energy Center 40th Anniversary Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

Koh, R.*, Clouston, P.L., Heyers, R., & Lackner, M. (2014, June). Wood Composites for Utility Scale Wind Turbine Blades: Rationalization, Development and Mechanical Testing of Angle-Ply Laminated Veneer Lumber. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,, NY.

Carswell, W.*, Johansson, J., Lohvolt, F., Arwade, S.R., & DeGroot, D.J. (2014, June). Dynamic mudline damping for offshore wind turbine monopoles. Paper presented at ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2014, San Francisco, CA.

Carswell, W.*, Arwade, S.R., DeGroot D.J. (2014, August) Behavior of Laterally-Loaded Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles under Storm Loading Conditions. Paper presented at American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Engineering Mechanics Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J. G., Brema, S., & Verma, P. (2014, June). Multi-rotor Wind Turbines: A Techno-Economic Investigation Based on Scaling and Structural Considerations, Paper presented at the American Wind Energy Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

McGowan, J.G. (2014, July). The Growth of Offshore Wind Energy. Keynote Presentation at the 2014 Offshore Energy & Storage Symposium, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Manwell, J. F.,(2014, June). IEC 61400-3 Design Standard for Offshore Wind Turbines, US Dept. of Energy/Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Workshop on Offshore Wind Energy Standards and Guidelines.

Manwell, J.F. (2014, December). Experiences and Perspectives in Wind Energy Technologies, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Ocean Renewable Energy Technologies, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

Manwell, J.F. (2014, December). Offshore Wind Energy in the US and the Development of New IEC Design Standards for Offshore Wind Turbines, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Ocean Renewable Energy Technologies, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

Manwell, J.F., (2014, September). Mechanical and Operational Principles of Land and Sea Based (Offshore) Wind Turbines, Oral presentation at the New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Symposium on Wind Energy, Warwick, RI.

Manwell, J.F., (2014, November). Isolated Hybrid Energy Systems: Lessons from the Past, Options for the Present, Models for the Future. Oral presentation at Island Energy Conference, Portsmouth, ME.

Hamin, E.M. (2014, June). Sustainable Adaptive Gradients in the Coastal Environment. Oral presentation to Massachusetts Climate Change/Resiliency Network held at UMass Boston, Boston, MA.


Carswell W, Arwade SR, Myers AT, Hajjar JF (2013). Reliability Analysis of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures. International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability. 16-20 June 2013. Columbia University, New York.

Carswell W., Arwade S.R., DeGroot D.J., Lackner M.A. “Probabilistic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures.”51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Dallas, TX. January 2013

Darrow, Robert. "Do Wind Energy Systems Have Politics?" 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal. July 2013.